Music Machine 1 will
generate music according to the following parameters:
Decision 1: How many voices will play?
(choice of 1-10)
For each different instrument the following decisions are then made:
Decision 2a: Which note will be played?
(choice of 1 to 127 (middle C
= 60))
Decision 2b: How loud will that note be
(choice of 1 (almost silent)
to 127 (very loud))
Decision 2c: Which sound will be used?
(choice of 1 to 128 (see table below))
Decision 3: How long will the notes be
(choice of 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.75, 1.
1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 seconds. These are equivalent to the following
note values at
60 bpm,
semiquaver, dotted semiquaver, quaver, dotted quaver, crotchet, dotted
crotchet, minim, dotted minim,
semibreve, dotted semibreve and breve.)
Decision 4: How long before the process
(choice is from the same values as for
the held notes with the additional choice of 0 seconds).
The machine will run indefinitely until stopped by the user.
MusicMachine 1 © Simon Belshaw 2012
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