Music Machine 9
creates a succession of sustained chords played by four voices
according to a
number of parameters that are determined by the user.
chords can work either tonally or in a 12 tone method. In tonal mode
the only notes that are used are those from the scale of C major.
In 12 tone mode each part has its own twelve note row that it repeats
The note values used are quaver, crotchet, minim, semibreve, dotted
semibreve and breve.
The tempo of the piece can be set within the range 1-4 inclusive, tempo
1 is 30 bpm, tempo 2 is 15 bpm,
tempo 3 is 7.5 bpm and tempo 4 is 3.75 bpm.
The machine will run indefinitely until stopped by the user.
MusicMachine 9 © Simon Belshaw 2012
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