Music Machine 1 live
In association with Exeter
Sounds and nonclassical
I developed a version of Music Machine 1
for live performance.
We workshopped the piece at Exeter
University Music Department and then
performed it at the
nonclassical event at the Bike Shed Theatre
in Exeter.
Click here to hear a recording of the workshop performance.
Performed by Emma Welton (violin), Simon Belshaw (casio digital horn), Julie Hill (violin), Rebecca Willson (violin),
John Welton (bass clarinet), Michael Brailey (violin), Caroline Jones (flute), Philip Robinson (saxophone),
Zoe Mack (violin). Other sounds performed by all of the players.
I have now developed a live version that can be performed by any group
of performers with access to a
computer, tablet, mobile phone etc with a web browser.
Download the score here
Get a group of players together (no minimum or maximum but a group of
10 or so works well)
all players are ready click here for the machine to begin
further notes:
when you click to start the machine there will be 10 seconds of black
when you see a green screen either play or remain silent
when you see a red screen remain silent
when the black screen reappears the piece is finished
This has been tested in most of the major browsers but if you encounter
any issues please let me know
MusicMachine 1 © Simon Belshaw 2013
you have enjoyed this Music Machine then please consider making
a donation of 49p (£0.49)